Friday 15 November 2019

Returning the Waggle.

I forgot to mention that I passed the Lady B’s sister in Ashbourne again this week. She waved to me.

Now, I say ‘waved’, but I have to admit that the term is something of a misnomer in this particular instance. The verb ‘to wave’ normally indicates an action of some volume in which the arm is raised – if only slightly – and the hand is moved sideways and back again to indicate greeting. (I have a vague recollection that the Lady B’s waves were particularly voluminous, but my recollection might be faulty on the matter. Such is the way of life’s ephemera.) The Lady B’s sister’s gesture was not so much a wave as a waggle of the little finger, the hand on which it was placed being wrapped around a mobile phone into which she was speaking. It was accompanied, however, by a slight turn of the head, and one must always accept favour where even the slightest favour is offered.

I declined the almost overwhelming compulsion to wave back, but made do instead with a smile. It might even have been a wry smile; I don’t rightly remember. What I do remember is that the returning of a waggle with a smile had something of the enigma about it, and ‘enigma’ is always the watchword in matters pertaining to the mysterious lady in question.

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