Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Waiting for Summer.

There seems to have been a palpable sense of gloom hanging in the air today. By the end of the afternoon it was sitting on my shoulders and producing a deep sense of despond, so now I’m wondering whether some subtle and all-suffusing energy is really responsible or whether it’s just me.

And tonight’s twilight didn’t help. It was cold, damp and gloomy. There was little sign of the bats or moths and everything in the garden dripped and drooped. I put my old winter coat on to go out there, and when I came in I felt chilled enough to think of donning an extra sweater.

The seasons aren’t progressing as they should. After a relatively mild winter we’ve been getting bursts of summer temperatures ever since February, but always the cold returns. You expect that in February, but by June it seems reasonable to expect the temperatures to rise and stay risen. Summer is proving reluctant to assert itself this year. Maybe tomorrow.

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