Sunday, 16 June 2019

A Note Post Absentia.

Life is a physical and mental struggle at the moment. But never mind. I expect there’s a reason.

I was listening to Kate Bush singing Running Up That Hill tonight, and it reminded me of the capacity music has to act like a teleportation device. It re-connects you with the person you were when it was part of your present rather than your past, and in so doing allows you to re-engage with the version of reality you were living in then. In the case of Running Up That Hill, it was very different from the version I’m living in now. Was it better or worse? It’s an irrelevant question.

And tonight I had an email from a publisher in Brooklyn, NY. They’re assembling an anthology of stories from a now-defunct American indy magazine and want to use one of mine which appeared in an issue about ten years ago. They asked for permission. They got it.

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I can't stop watching this video.

It's not the kind of video which trends, and probably explains why I never, ever watch trending videos on YouTube. It's much closer to the version of reality in which I live these days.

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