Wednesday, 5 June 2019

On Cuteness and Kidneys.

There’s a new medic in House. She’s very Chinese, very young, very small, and is House’s team of one now that he’s out of prison and his regular team have moved onto other jobs. My problem is that I don’t know whether I like her or not.

The fact that she has the kind of Chinese characteristics which I find adorable is OK. I can accept that one. But she’s also adorably cute and I’m suspicious of liking somebody on that basis. It always feels like the faculty of cuteness is ingratiating itself into my affections sneakily by a back entrance somewhere.

Another problem I have with House is that it gives seemingly undue attention to kidney issues. Tonight’s episode had the line: ‘Now her kidneys are shutting down.’ They say it a lot, and given my experiences over the past seventeen months I find it mildly disconcerting.

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