I really must stop writing blog posts in the wee small hours
of the morning when the first of the nightly scotches is taking effect and I’ve
just been taken to pre-dynastic Egypt by Jahanna James (she makes YouTube videos
about ancient technologies.)
The problem with doing so becomes manifest the following day when my brain is beginning to get functional again and I decide to proofread the previous night’s ramblings. I find typos, and misspelled words, and badly constructed sentences. Worst of all, I find words missing altogether, which renders the sentence from which they’re absent entirely incomprehensible. And by that time, the few people who read this blog will already have read the post and be asking themselves why I bother to write if I’m such a bad writer.
So if your scalp is bleeding from having been scratched too much while doing a Gallic shrug and asking ‘what the hell is he talking about?’ please accept my apologies.
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