Monday, 20 June 2022

Like Daughter Like Dad and Other Bits.

I’m not in the best of moods at the moment because I’m having big problems with my internet connection, and my internet connection is of paramount importance to me. I’m also having big problems with the bookkeeping work I do for a friend, which is causing a certain amount of anxiety. And then there’s the matter of the odd correspondence from the hospital which suggests they might know something unpalatable but aren’t telling me yet.

Still, I did receive a lovely and most unexpected Fathers Day card from my daughter this morning. I’m not sure whether it’s the first time she’s ever sent me one. She might have sent one or two when she was very young, but by the time she reached her mid-late teens she’d decided that greetings cards were a waste of time and money and only existed to fill the already burgeoning maws of the corporate world. I wonder where she got that idea from.

*  *  *

I’m becoming more aware of the fact that as a person falls in thrall to the loner gene and develops their reclusive tendency, the world in which they live grows smaller and more private. It gets to a point where the outside world seems increasingly toxic, and so any invasion by the denizens of that world, or any intrusion by its systems, control mechanisms or vested interests becomes maddeningly unwelcome. Such a process has a tendency to encourage depression and anxiety, so this is a lesson I could do with taking with me just in case there really is a next life.

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