Tuesday, 28 April 2020

A Reluctant Trump Note.

I’ve been trying to keep off the subject of Trump lately because I find him tedious and of little consequence, even though I admit that he does provide the occasional laugh, as with his advice to ingest or inject disinfectant. But he does seem to be plumbing new depths at the moment. Given what has been coming over the water in the past few days, it appears that he’s:

Ignorant of even the simpler aspects of human biology.
Unaware of the difference between bleach and disinfectant.
Unwilling to take personal responsibility for his actions.
Unaware of what the word ‘sarcasm’ means.
Reluctant to seek the advice of those who do know a subject before shooting his mouth off.

But there’s something else which should be of concern to Americans and all those who are in any way influenced by America. He’s never been particularly lucid – much less sophisticated – in his speech, but he seems to be becoming even less so.  One of his pronouncements which I read today was so badly constructed that it was almost indecipherable. I’m guessing that at the moment he would fail even a primary school English exam.

And this is the man who is going to try to get re-elected in November. If he’s successful it will be a serious indictment of America and Americans because the Coronavirus crisis is just the latest test he’s taken and been found wanting. But maybe I should consider what a neighbour of mine said the other day:

‘I can never decide whether Trump is a complete idiot or actually very clever.’

Indeed. Maybe Trump simply knows how to keep his fan base happy.


Madeline said...

I was saying to my husband the other day that we are particularly blessed to have not one, but two demented sex offenders to choose from on the ballot this fall. Only I don't know if they're both just demented or if one is "crazy like a fox" or, more accurately, "incoherently psychotic like a fox."

I'm also in the middle of reading a biography on George Washington, and have begun to suspect that if he had known what would become of all the toil and sacrifice he put into founding this country, he wouldn't have bothered.

JJ said...

Husband??? Many congratulations, Mad (I think... erm... assume... erm... whatever. You're still the most remarkable person I've ever encountered, you know.)

Oddly, when I was writing that I thought of making reference to the founding fathers and wondering whether they would be seriously disappointed. I decided it would be too presumptuous even for me. Americans may say so, but I couldn't possibly comment.

Thanks for hanging around. It just occurred to me that maybe it's your husband I should be congratulating.

Madeline said...

The "Mad" part of my name didn't change, so you are correct. And you probably know more about our founding fathers than most Americans, so I don't think it would be presumptuous.

And thank you for the congratulations - you and my mom (and Emily Post) are the only people who seem to know that women are traditionally not congratulated on marriage. I'm not sure what the implications are.

Happy to hang around.