Monday, 13 April 2020

The Dark Prowler.

I was sitting in the garden today when I heard a muffled thump somewhere nearby. I turned to see that a sparrow hawk had landed heavily on the path, and it was clutching a small bird in its talons. It flew away taking its catch with it.

I love the birds in my garden and I find it hard to have to witness one of my friends being slaughtered. I could only wish this one a speedy end, and do my very best not to blame the sparrow hawk.

And Mel, my ex, learned today that the brother with whom she lives has cancer. The big guy with the scythe seems to be hanging around a lot at the moment. Sorry the sound of his shuffling through the undergrowth is insinuating itself onto this blog rather a lot lately.

I really would very much like to find something cheerful and funny to write about instead. It just isn’t happening. Tomorrow, maybe.

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