Wednesday 28 February 2018

Jeffrey and the Brainwave.

I had a thorny and mysterious plumbing problem become manifest in my bathroom this afternoon. So thorny, mysterious and far-reaching was it that I envisaged all manner of distress, disturbance and denial of basic amenities stretching ahead of me far into the distance. I finally came to the end of my tether. After all the enervating issues which this horrible winter has brought in its cruel and frigid train, this latest problem finally put the lid firmly on the tolerance pot.

And then Jeffrey’s little brain had a little brainwave. Maybe the problem wasn’t in the bathroom ducting or in the roof space above the kitchen at all; maybe it was outside and caused by the current Siberian airflow. Jeffrey decided to follow it up.

It was getting dark, the temperature was well below freezing, the wind was getting up close to a gale, and it was snowing, but Jeffrey persevered and found the problem. And then he worked out how to solve the problem, and soon the problem was solved. And then Jeffrey’s little brain said to Jeffrey:

‘Jeffrey, does this mean that we can go on living after all? I would quite like to.’

And Jeffrey agreed.

But Jeffrey still hates winter with a passion and would respectfully request Siberia to keep its bloody weather to itself. I’m very tolerant of migrants generally, but not Beasts from the East (as our unwelcome visitor has been styled in the media.)

And then the mention of Siberia brought the old gulags to mind and raised that old question again: Why do human creatures do such terribly cruel things to other human creatures merely to further their selfish political interests? Why do those humans in power steadfastly refuse to aspire to human potential, and instead insist on riding the festering sewer to a probable end in the hungry ghost realm?

Which brings me back to plumbing, but enough of that.

Still no word on my cancer issue. The wait goes on.

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