Thursday, 8 February 2018

Another Thought, Another Whinge.

I had a young and very active tomcat once who was hit by a car and suffered extensive but minor injuries. The vet said he would have to be caged for a while in order for the hairline fractures to heal, and so I had to build him one using an old tea chest. That was the easy bit; forcing the poor guy into it and keeping him there through feedings and cleanings was a much harder emotional issue.

I realised this morning that going into hospital is not so different for me. In one way at least I’m a bit of a wild creature. I have to do what I want to do in my own way, my own time, and in my own world. Force me into somebody else’s world where a measure of constraint is implicit and I become as a rock thrown into a still pool. I don’t float.

The final diagnosis of my current problem won’t be made until after the next scan, but the near future will almost certainly involve a stay in hospital. To most people it would be a minor disturbance, but I’m not most people. And reminding myself that perception is the whole of the life experience doesn't seem to help much.

Here endeth today’s whinge (unless I think of something else later.)

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