Thursday, 24 February 2011

Short Excerpt.

And then I began to see pictures in my mind. They were exquisite pictures, plucked at random from the seemingly infinite reel of a rosy future, the sort of pictures whose only value is in their own self-contained reality. Rarely do they constitute anything more than a poor shadow of their ultimate expression which always falls short of, exceeds, or alters the original. But see them we do. And so we should; because it is only through our capacity to meditate, dream and visualise that we can create our own reality, uncorrupted by external forces.


Della said...

From your novel?

JJ said...

No, the novella (rhymes with Della! Whee...)

I was feeling tired and lazy yesterday, but felt inclined to say something like that and it was easier to copy and paste it. Not ego, therefore, just laziness. I won't be making a habit of it.

Della said...

No, make a habit of it, it's writing that inspires. Better than going off the rails..

JJ said...

Too late, Della. I've been off the rails for years.