Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A New Addition.

The last time I visited Zoe’s Tumblr page I realised that there was something missing from my playlist – the lullaby from Pan’s Labyrinth. I used to listen to this haunting little cameo a lot. It’s there now, although Mixpod won’t let me move it up the list no matter what I do. Just the internet being dysfunctional as usual.

And if there’s anybody out there who hasn’t seen Pan’s Labyrinth (which I would find difficult to believe,) do give it a go. It’s one of the most intelligent, moving and enigmatic fantasy films I’ve ever seen. It really is in the top drawer, and it’s one of those films I enjoyed more at the second seeing.

And if you have a partner towards whom you still have romantic feelings, try watching it together. I’ll hazard a guess that it’s good for emotional bonding. Not that I’d really know anything about such things, of course, me being merely a fungal excrescence.


Wendy said...

You and I agree on most movies but I hated "Pan's Labyrinth." I felt pretty traumatized actually watching it, which I know stems from my own traumas, but it really bothered me. I felt like I was watching the news and seeing this horrible story about a little girl being murdered by her family member while the story was trying to make it all a fantasy story. I still shudder thinking about it. But for some reason, "Twin Peaks" I loved, go figure!

JJ said...

I can well understand that, Wendy. Interestingly, I know somebody who was abused as a child and loathed Twin Peaks for the same reason.

I suppose it's similar, although on a different level, to watching a comedy like The Wrong Box - which includes a farcical funeral episode - if you've just been to the funeral of somebody dear to you.

Even I found the film a little traumatic because I have massive doses of protectiveness towards children, and that little girl was so beautiful and brave. I still think it's a magnificent film, though.