Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Norman Legacy.

The government announced the latest victims of its spending cuts programme today. Kids’ playgrounds this time. Plans to create hundreds of them have been scrapped. The country can’t afford it. Having deprived some of the poorer kids of their free meals, now they’re denying them decent playing facilities, too. But of course, ex-public schoolboys (see earlier post) don’t use public playgrounds. They have their own private ones; they come from that sort of background. And I’ve yet to see any evidence of these government ministers denying themselves anything. I remember smirking when Cameron said ‘We’re all in this together.’

Meanwhile, the bankers continue to get fatter so everything’s as it should be.

I watched a documentary tonight, about how the Norman landowners cheated and stole their way to even greater riches in the twenty years following the Norman Conquest, dispossessing the natives in the process. Parts of it sounded oddly familiar. I thought we’d got rid of that sort of thing after WWII.

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