Thursday, 20 April 2023

On Dolour and Some Delights.

There’s been nothing to write about this week. The days have been mostly bright, but the cold airflow has persisted so the twilights have been inhospitable. I continue to rise from my bed into a demi-hell and spend the morning laboriously climbing out of it so that I might get the odd household or garden job done in the afternoon. Several vital appliances and tools are breaking down in sympathy with my worn out body. The Shire perambulations have become a tiresome trudge on weak legs and painful feet. No dogs or horses have sought my company, nor any humans for that matter.

But the priestess came back with a good story to tell. And the bluebells have started to appear in the woods and verges. The first butterfly – an early Orange Tip as usual – made its appearance in the garden today, and I think I saw the first bat as the sky darkened this evening. So life has compensations of sorts.

And since the cherry trees are in full bloom around the school playing field opposite my house, I thought I’d post again one of my favourite scenes from one of my favourite films: Kirschblüten. The young Japanese girl is called Yu, and in some parallel universe somewhere she might be the older man’s very own priestess. Would that a trip to Mt Fuji were on the cards. It seems like a good place from which to move on.

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