Monday, 2 March 2020

The Costa Girl and a Chinese Thing.

The Costa girl doesn’t come into the shop to intrigue me any more. Haven’t seen her for weeks. But I do now have a theory as to why she used to stare at me. I’m reliably informed that INFJ types are noted for their habit of staring at people. It’s something I used to do all the time, but I’m making every effort to desist now because I’m trying to be a better person. So maybe she was an INFJ. She certainly had the look of an introvert about her.

But there was a Chinese woman in there today. I saw her again in the town later and made a point of smiling at her, just to see what would happen. She smiled back and looked mildly embarrassed.

It surprises me that we allow Chinese people to walk the streets these days, what with the coronavirus thing and all. I wonder why we don’t put them into cages and hang them above the market place where they can’t do any harm. If the BBC can milk coronavirus for all it’s worth in order to fill lots of airtime spots, why shouldn’t the rest of us have fun poking Chinese people with sticks while they’re hanging in cages above the market place?

And that little piece of homespun wisdom reminds me of a conversation I once had with Ms Wong, who I also haven’t seen for ages nor mentioned on the blog. I asked her:

‘Are you Han Chinese, Sam?’

‘Oh I don’t know, Jeff.’

‘You look Han Chinese.’

‘Do I?’

‘Yes. Han Chinese are the best looking Chinese. Those Manchu types all have faces which look like a dog’s bum with a hat on.’


Actually, only the first two lines of that conversation happened. I made the rest up because it seemed oddly appropriate in the circumstances.
Edited to add later.
All that stuff about hanging Chinese people in cages because of the coronavirus was written before it became apparent that certain bozos with brains the size of bed lice were harassing and abusing Chinese people for real. My comment was just a bit of standard British humour. Please be clear: my brain is rather larger than a bed louse and I have never for one moment considered blaming an individual Chinese person for the generation of Covid-19. I do hope the people who read this blog would know that anyway.

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