Tuesday, 3 March 2020

A Note on Mr Putin and God.

I see Mr Putin wants to make it illegal for Russians to get married unless they believe in God (or at least be prepared to go into a church and lie.) This all seems very strange to somebody like me who was brought up during the Cold War when Russia was an avowedly God-less place (and also had no homosexuals, according to the Party line.)

So now I wonder whether Mr Putin himself believes in God.  And I’m also mildly intrigued by his support for the Orthodox Church. Is this because it’s politically expedient to have a powerful ally, or is it because he’s conservative by nature and the Orthodox Church is comfortably old fashioned? I imagine it’s probably both.

I’m also tempted to wonder whether dear Mr P is labouring under the delusion that he is God. I suppose he probably is in a manner of speaking.

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