Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Changing Tack.

I just read an old post of mine from 2010 about apparent visitations to my house (the other-worldly variety, of course.) It reminded me of the only one I ever found truly scary – the black dog which leapt out of the wall at me two years ago, shortly before I discovered I had cancer. So now I need to re-establish a measure of equilibrium.

That’s why I’m going to pass on the serious post about falling standards among staff in the retail sector and watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone again instead. (I bought the two-disc set in a charity shop yesterday for 50p. I like charity shops.) I’m hoping it will provide an effective antidote to disturbing memories of snarling black dogs leaping out of the wall with fangs barred and heading for my throat. Whether it works might or might not be indicated in a later post.

But first I have to wash the dishes and vacuum the floor. Isn’t life exciting?

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