Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Corona Conspiracy.

Judging by what’s going on in supermarkets throughout the developed world – and especially in Australia, apparently – one might be tempted to suspect that Covid-19 was developed by the makers of toilet rolls and released secretly in Hubei Province to cover their tracks.

And I suppose I should point out that this is a joke, just in case anybody out there believes me. I gather you only have to say ‘a Martian ate my hamster’ on the internet these days and the sale of security devices for small cages skyrockets overnight.

*  *  *

And on a related note, I’m told that the owners of a Vietnamese restaurant in Ashbourne have put a notice in their window to the effect that, contrary to uninformed belief and in an attempt to ameliorate their fear of abuse, they are not Chinese. And it’s interesting that I saw no Chinese people wandering the streets of the town freely today. Might I be permitted to suspect that some people are not quite as sensible as they ought to be?

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