Friday, 7 September 2018

Heidi's Brief Return.

I met Heidi again today while I was trimming the tall, fat hedge at the bottom of my garden. Readers of longstanding might vaguely remember my first encounter with Heidi in the wood opposite the top of the lane three years ago. I remarked upon the suspicious coincidence of meeting a girl on a woodland path who was wearing a red raincoat with a hood. I made some fatuous reference to a wolf as I recall.

Only she wasn’t actually a girl. We had a long conversation today and she told me her age. She’s 34, which means she must have been 31 when I met her in the wood. She didn’t look that old and still doesn’t. Isn’t it strange how the thirty-somethings just keep on getting younger?

She also told me that she got married recently and will be moving to London soon. That’s a shame because she struck me as an unusually personable person, and I should imagine there are more wolves in London than there are in the Black Forest. I wished her good fortune. Maybe I should have suggested she leave the red raincoat with the hood behind in the Shire where the wolves are mostly friendly.

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