Monday, 20 November 2017

On Being Outed.

The storage heater in my office malfunctioned recently and stored more heat overnight than it was supposed to. When I opened the door in the morning I found it swelteringly hot in here, and I felt so uncomfortable that I had to open all the doors and stand outside for a while. The thermometer on the wall registered 21°C.

But here’s an odd fact: the heater is now working normally again, and with the present weather conditions the thermometer is typically reading 19°C. And yet if I sit for any length of time at the computer I feel uncomfortably chilled.

Do you realise what this appears to indicate? It seems that I only function normally at 20°C, which, by an odd coincidence, is the recommended temperature for developing black and white films and photographic papers. So does this mean that I’m not composed of sub-atomic particles as other humans are, but silver halides? And is it the first indication that my true identity as an alien is beginning to assert itself?

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