‘Are you OK?’ she asked.
(For the benefit of those who don’t know, ‘Are you OK?’ is a
standard greeting in UK English entirely synonymous with ‘How are you?’)
‘Why not?’
‘I don’t feel OK.’
‘Why? What’s the problem?’
‘Life is the problem. Shall I tell you what life is? Life is
when you take your first lungful of air and then set out along the road to
death. That’s all life is. Where’s the cheap lettuce?’
She pointed me in the direction of an iceberg lettuce which
had been reduced to 34p because it was on its Use By date.’
‘Ah, right. Thanks.’
End of conversation.
I still don’t feel OK. I’ve felt ill in more ways than one
for a couple of weeks now. In fact, I don’t think I’ve felt really OK since the last time I walked
up the lane with the Lady B and her lady dog. That was about six years ago, and
I didn’t feel entirely OK even then because I was in the throes of my chronic
fatigue problem at the time. So when she asked ‘Is that the fastest you can
walk, Jeff?’ I felt embarrassed.
I sometimes wonder whether God was inventing karma when he
relieved Adam of a rib.
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