Thursday, 3 March 2022

Putting Russia Back on the Map.

I have a dream.

All the top brass in the Russian military wake up one morning and discover they’re not the psychopathic cyborgs the rest of the world thinks they are. They’re actually human beings with souls and a sense of right and wrong.

So off they go to the Kremlin, pick Mr Putin up by the ears, and send him off to the remotest gulag they can think of. (I assume the gulags are still there in some form or other.) They withdraw all their forces from Ukraine, undertake to make such reparation as they are able, and make a TV announcement to the Russian people:

‘We are now in charge and will remain so for a period of six months, at which point we promise to hold free and fair elections so that you may have the President and government of your choice. We will support you in that choice and there will be no skulduggery.’

And then they keep their word.

Am I being naïve?

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