Monday, 21 October 2019

Guru Stuff.

I just watched a YouTube video which sought to enlighten me with regard to the 5th dimension. I expected to get either a philosopher or a scientist. What I got was a guru who spent seven minutes telling me nothing more than that I am a spirit being playing the role of a human. Pretty old stuff, right? And it’s one of my primary suspicions.

So then I read the comments from several other turgid, self-styled gurus with names like Pete the Powder Puff, all giving me their version of what life is about, and doing so from a position of certainty which inevitably led to the usual cynical reaction. What none of them said was:

‘I know this because I remember a time when I was pure spirit with no corporeal identity, and I’m neither psychotic nor generally delusional.’

I probably wouldn’t trust such a statement, but I might if they said it in just the right way and had just the right look in their eyes. In the meantime I’d prefer to stick with ‘I suspect lots of things, but I know nothing.’

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