I’ve had an elective right sided uretoscopy and
laparoscopic radical hepto-ureterectomy
I feel I should be learning it off by heart so I can tell everybody
when I’m out and about again, and then they can look at me with fresh and admiring
eyes because they realise how important I must have been all along. It’s also apparent that
I should be feeling highly honoured, not merely ill. I still feel merely ill.
Maybe I’ll get there eventually.
Having worked solely in hospitals for the duration of my three-year construction adventure, I’d become well acquainted with that miserable hospital funk that seems to cling to everything. Luckily it goes away in a day or two. For being places of healing, they sure can be wretched - and that’s coming from someone who wasn’t a patient and got to go home at the end of every day. The very very best wishes from Brógan and Jack and I. And tipper too. so glad you’re home.
I'm afraid it didn't go away in a day or two for me, Kaetlyn. It got worse as the week progressed. It was on my last night before discharge that I looked up at the ceiling and got the strongest sense that the whole atmosphere was saturated with chemicals from all the many sources. I mentioned it to a nurse by way of constructive comment, but she was behind schedule and grumpy so I dropped it.
Incidentally, I don't know whether you read my small post from early this morning, but I looked in the mirror at the time and bore more than a passing resemblance to the guy in the picture. I'm told I look better today.
And all blessings and best wishes back to all of you.You know how grateful I am for your care and concern.
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