Sunday, 7 December 2014

A Shadow on Sherlock.

I watched an episode of Sherlock Holmes tonight. It was from a TV series made in the 80s and 90s which was much vaunted for its faithfulness to the original stories. Well now, I found a flaw in the logic leading to the solving of the mystery, an indisputable flaw, and one so fundamental that the whole story falls by it. There’s no credit to be had on my part. Anybody who understands that the height of the sun varies from day to day should have spotted the same error. It’s that simple.

It seems that maybe the veneration and mystique that has developed around the great logician is overlooking one fact: Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character, and so his powers of deduction can only be as good as those of the real doctor who created him. Thankfully, he still entertains.

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