Tuesday, 14 December 2010

When the Camera Speaks True.

The question of whether or not the camera lies is something I’ve written about before. It depends, I think, on how you look at it. The shutter is open for a mere fraction of a second, and so it captures only what is effectively a static moment in someone’s appearance. As we all know, it can be very deceptive because even the physical totality of a person is made up of countless nuances – the constantly changing angles, facial expressions, body postures, and so on.

And yet, rarely I would say, a single shot can sometimes capture a precious moment when everything is right, captivating and beautiful. I have one in mind that does just that.


Zoe said...

Well, now I'm curious. What picture is that? One that you've taken?

JJ said...

No, just one that I look at occasionally.