And then I thought it a curious coincidence that both scientific and spiritual traditions aver that the universe was born out of darkness.
And then a little sound bite offering a connection dropped into my head: From the darkness of the womb I came, and to the darkness of the earth I shall return.
And then I remembered that one of my most abiding suspicions is that I was here before my body was, and will still be here after it’s ceased to be.
And then I thought again how clever women are in being able to make new human beings. (I imagined the likelihood that some fervent religionist will yell at me: ‘Women don’t make human beings, you stupid git. God does that. Women only carry them around.)
And then I ignored the objection and was further reminded that I want to start telling children: ‘Forget about the Presidents and pop stars, the sages and the scientists and the sports personalities. They’re not the most important people. The most important people in this life are the mothers.’
And maybe one day I will.
This is an off-the-top-of-my-head ramble, deliberately written in rambling form. Maybe it should be entitled ‘Lines Beginning with And Then’.
I get a little embarrassed sometimes when reading my old posts. Many of them contain some of the tendencies I find most repellent in people.
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