Wednesday, 31 January 2024

When YouTube Suits Me Nicely.

I watched a YouTube video a few nights ago in which a reputable scientist said that it has now been demonstrated that plants communicate with each other. He even showed a video to prove it, but a mystery still remains.

Although it can now be accepted that communication takes place, they don’t know why it takes place. What, for example, is the point of one plant saying to another: ‘My leaves are being eaten by caterpillars’? (That was the actual example he used.) And what he didn’t address at all was the big question: Is this the start of us accepting that plants possess a form of consciousness?

Well he wouldn’t, would he? How could he continue making YouTube videos if he were to be banished to a small rock a few miles to the north of Svalbard? Being no scientist myself, I can only have suspicions.

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