Wednesday, 17 August 2022

The Great American Stand Up.

There’s a small news report on the BBC News website to the effect that Sarah Palin is attempting a comeback. I remember Sarah Palin when she was the world’s biggest political joke, having assumed the reins after George W Bush left the stage. And it seems she’s being roundly supported by the world’s second biggest political joke (but by far the most dangerous) Donald Trump.

The absurdity of this situation led me to imagine a story which has been gently simmering in the background for some time. Briefly, it goes like this:

Trump manages to cheat his way back into the White House.

He takes the USA out of NATO (he threatened to do so during his earlier tenure.)

He then makes a deal with his pal Putin to the effect that if the Russians want to invade Europe, America won’t intervene. Putin seizes the opportunity, declares himself Tsar, and assumes the mantle of Vlad the Great to be inscribed in the annals of history.

Trump has a quiet word in the ear of Mr Xi of China. ‘If you want Taiwan, take it. We don’t give a damn. And you can take the rest of those shithole countries in Asia as well if you like, as long as you make sure they buy lots of American automobiles. Japan? Yeah, why not? Japanese dames are all ugly anyway, but have those dippy anime guys pay over half their profits to Disney Corp. Oceania? Where the hell’s that?’

Trump then sets about taking over Canada and the South American countries and renaming the whole land mass Greater America. (He always said he’d make America great again, didn’t he?)

And so WWIII gets underway. The Russian bear manages to subdue Europe, the Chinese dragon holds sway over Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Greater America is isolated with the might of Russia to the east and China to the west, and everybody’s happy. Except, of course, those Americans with an IQ over about fifty who now have no escape route.

The End.

Fanciful I know; just my befuddled British mind running pointlessly amok. But you must admit: America is never short of a joke in the matter of politics. Liz Cheney probably thinks so.

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