The health issues are dominating my days even more than
usual at the moment, leading to discomfort, dysfunction and a modicum of dismay.
They were but one part of today’s troubles.
But I did order another Shirley Jackson book this evening (when I’d finished closing all those irritating little boxes which eBay keeps throwing at you to try and get you to join their club.) I’m becoming quite the fan of Shirley Jackson. She’s most perceptive in a weird sort of way, and that suits me nicely.
But now I’m tired of writing blog posts, munching on various comestibles, and trying to find a comfortable position in my computer chair because parts of me hurt. Soon be time for my nightly scotch and YouTube. I’ve started putting deliberately provocative comments on YouTube videos just to see whether the new, improved me handles being trolled in a more equanimous way than it used to.
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