It intrigues me to note, however, that this report affords me a problem: whenever I make a post about observing something of such little import, I feel a desperate urge to say something funny about it in order to make it worth reading. Unfortunately, I can’t. Sorry.
* * *
The only other matter of note today is that I read up on the Jesuits, the reason being that a character in an MR James story referred to them in pejorative terms. I’ve always been aware that both Catholics and Protestants view them with suspicion, so I thought I’d find out why and whether that attitude is justified.
Well, it seems they weren’t (aren’t?) such a bad lot after all, being relatively liberal, accepting of modern science and technology, and – most notably – being outspoken critics of both slavery and Nazi ideology. Quite a few of them were sent to the death camps during WWII, apparently, and it’s said that in the Americas they were all that stood between European colonial Establishments and the systematic enslavement of indigenous peoples. That doesn’t sound so bad does it, even if they would insist on aggressive proselytising which doesn’t really meet with my personal approval? (So what do I matter?)
Then again, the article was in Wiki, so it’s possible that it was a touch one-sided. Or maybe it wasn’t. How can any of us truly know anything which we don’t personally witness?
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