Friday, 3 December 2021

A Preview of the Lady Yu.

I’ve had a day of negotiating fast moving traffic in fast moving lanes on busy, fast moving main roads, much of it in an urban landscape of brick and tarmac and concrete and steel and glass – all the things I want to leave behind me now. It just doesn’t fit with who I am any more.

And so tonight I found a video clip of the Japanese lady Yu who I mentioned in a recent post, the lady who dances with shadows and connects with the stuffy old German negotiating his own road of discovery following the death of his wife.

This lady is very much me. I’ve said often enough that I don’t generally connect with people. I observe them. But here is a rare creature with whom I’m sure I really could connect. That’s what makes her so special.

Excuse me being self-indulgent again. Why would anybody out there be interested in a fictional character illustrating my taste in people? No reason at all, but it’s my blog and I have to write something to it or it will become yet another loss in a life growing bleaker. Here is the lady Yu, just in case:

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