Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Pro Tem.

When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions.

Just by way of explanation…

Life is a persistent storm at the moment. So many issues crowding in and filling my brain to the extent that there’s no room left in there to consider blog posts. Dire situations and dark prospects.

I could make posts about the problems, but the good old A&D is too cold and deep a lake to wade through. Besides, I spent most of 2018 whingeing in detail and I’m tired of it.

In the meantime, a mention to those faithful few around the world who check in, mostly on a daily basis: the fact is noted and appreciated. Hopefully I will be back. Writing is what I do.


Anonymous said...

We've been very concerned about you..thanks for the update.. hope you are feeling better.
Nancy and Chris

JJ said...

Thank you, Nancy. I'm a bit swamped with a bagful of issues and worrisome prospects at the moment and they're rubbing the anxiety and depression genes raw. But just in case you're wondering, I'm not suicidal - just closing down while I concentrate on keeping the sails trimmed to keep the ship afloat. Tricky times ahead, but I'm sure I'll be back one way or another. Thanks for your message and please extend my greetings and best wishes to the Venerable Borg.