Wednesday, 21 August 2019

A Note on Unicorns.

I said to my dentist today: ‘All I want to do is walk in the woods and look for unicorns.’

‘You certainly won’t find any,’ she replied with that sense of certainty which comes with being a fully paid up member of the enlightened world.

How does she know I’ll never find a unicorn? How can she know that unicorns don’t exist and never did? She can’t; she can only surmise that unicorns don’t exist because the culture has persuaded her that unicorns are a matter of myth and myths never happened.

So I’ll keep on looking for unicorns. It’s almost certain that I’ll never find one, but that’s no reason not to search. You have to spend your life doing something, don’t you, and the search for unicorns is far more intriguing and imaginative than busting a gut to have enough money to buy an open-top Ferrari. Unicorns might be mythical, but that merely makes them mysterious. It’s the notion that Ferraris make you important which is the real delusion.

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