Monday 22 February 2010

This Blogging Business.

I’ve only been blogging for about a month, but it really is quite enlightening. Browsing through lots of blogs late at night, with a double scotch no more than six inches from my right hand, is becoming a compulsive activity.

(Oh dear. Am I allowed compulsive activities? Yup! I can do whatever I like when I have a double scotch no more than six inches from my right hand.)

I could be an alien life form, plucking people randomly out of a crowd and then viewing the collection as a microcosm of the human species. Unfortunately, it’s only the English-speaking specimens that count, since I’m one of that breed of inadequate Englishmen who only speak their native language. So it isn’t really a microcosm, but never mind. It will do until the next life, when I will constantly remind myself that the best people are multi-lingual and I don’t have to apologise to my English-speaking Czech friend because she speaks my language but I don’t speak hers.

So anyway, there they all are: people I would dislike intensely, people I would find terminally boring, people I feel I would get on well with, and people in whose company I would struggle, but who come across as really interesting nevertheless.

I frequently make comments on some of the blogs I find interesting, and it’s encouraging when the blogger posts something back. Two-way communication is a rewarding activity. What I find slightly irksome is when my comments don’t make it through the self-moderating option, but never mind. It’s their blog, their choice. And it’s intriguing to get a follower or two about whom I can find out absolutely nothing. They don’t have blogs themselves and the ‘send a message’ button never works. (I would love to know more about Cat Priestess, Kaetlyn, and Charlotte Tigwell, but if you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.)

So there you have it, a little hiatus among the outcries and asides. Some time soon I’m going to get down to the post I’ve been promising for a while: the one about people who ask me ‘Do you believe in God?’ It’s complicated.

A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to anybody who has bothered to read any of my ranting so far. Not that it matters, of course. I’m just letting off steam.


KMcCafferty said...

The biggest problem I find with blog comments is that even though I have the silly thing set to "notify my via email when I recieve a comment" (or something of that sort..), it still fails to notify me! I suppose it's not too big a deal going through and checking to see if new comments have been added, but once in a while one slips by that I didn't notice and I feel awful for not replying back to the person sooner!

Anyways, hope you don't mind me going through your blog now! You've got some very interesting and insightful posts here, I'm enjoying it.

Small, But Significant said...

You have honored me with two comments so far and I feel I must reciprocate this advancement in acknowledging each other's presence. Quite a coincidence I do it on the post about finding and commenting to people.

JJ said...

Good heavens! My world is suddenly replete with intelligent, articulate and interesting women. Gulp! Bless you, ladies. I’ll be keeping in touch (if you don’t mind.)

Small, But Significant said...

I don't mind in the least.

JJ said...

Who are you, Small But Significant? I've just come across a couple of your comments from back in 2010, and I don't remember a visitor of that name. Was your blog called something else then?