Sunday, 3 March 2024

Musing on the Mystery of Three.

I was thinking again about the minor fixation I have with the three-women motif in literature, myth and legend. Let’s have a short list off the top of my head:
The three witches who stop Macbeth and Banquo on the blasted heath
The three queens who come to take Arthur to Avalon after he’s received his mortal wound at the hands of Mordred
The three Gorgons of Greek myth – Medussa, Stheno, and Euryale
The three Marys of the New Testament – mother, sister, and Mary Magdalene
The three Brontë sisters who grew to adulthood – Charlotte, Emily, and Anne
Even the nine muses amount to three groups of three

And for a few years following the genesis of this blog, three women became particularly prominent in my life. They shall, of course, be nameless.

And what about the much celebrated Lady B who, for some years after I first met her, lived in a family of three – herself, her mother, and her sister. And now she has three children of her own, all girls.

There has to be a bit of magic there somewhere, doesn’t there?

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