Saturday, 18 November 2023

On False Figures and a Reluctant Read.

I have two stats trackers on this blog. One is the old Flag Counter which used to record hardly anything and was all but useless. The other is Blogger Stats from Google which comes with the system.

At the moment, Blogger Stats tells me I’m getting several hundred visits a day exclusively from Singapore, India, Japan, South Korea, and the USA. The Flag Counter, which used to record 1-3 visits a day, has suddenly started telling me that I’m getting dozens of visits a day from such disparate locations as Ireland, Brazil, Thailand, and Guatemala, and very many US states as well.

Needless to say, I don’t believe either of them. Would it be unreasonable, I wonder, to wish that the techies would devise something that works?

*  *  *

I’m just arriving at the point in Tenant where I suspect that dear benighted Helen is going to start recounting the details of an abusive marriage. I don’t want to go there because heaven knows there’s more than enough abuse going on in the world as it is, but if you’re going to read a novel I suppose you should read all of it.

‘Must be firm!’ (That’s a line from MR James’s short story The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral. I find it the most chilling line in what I consider to be the most chilling of his stories.)

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