Thursday, 9 November 2023

A First Family Encounter.

Guess who I encountered on my pre-lunch perambulation today: The Shire’s First Family, or at least most of them.

There was the Lady B, Honourable Sister, Dear Mama, two of the canine companions, and one of the Little Princesses. The Little Princess – the youngest of three – was the one I hadn’t seen before. She was very small, very sweet, smiled the whole time, said lots of things I didn’t quite catch, and held my forefinger when I offered it. Does life get any better than that? And one of the canine companions was a recent addition whose acquaintance I also hadn’t made before. I think he was probably a Sprocker, and his name was Oscar. Fine name for a dog, Oscar. I would be more than happy to admit the choice had it been mine. And wasn’t it just a delight that my favourite dog for many a long year, Inca the cocker spaniel, was still with us and still stepping lightly? She’s an old lady now, but her tail wags as briskly as ever.

So did my subsequent step have an unfamiliar hint of a spring to it? It certainly did.
Did I experience a little lightness of mind for a while afterwards? I did.
Were the little people, the birds, and the animals peeved that I was paying them less attention than usual? I hope not.
Did the encounter with the three women bring to mind Macbeth’s meeting with the three witches on the blasted heath? Unusually for me, no.

Did I ever mention that the Shire’s First Family amount to the only people in this area with whom I’ve ever wanted to connect? I think I probably did.

*  *  *

So should I now go on to write about Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s latest outlandish pronouncement? I don’t think so for two reasons:

1. It appears she’s in serious trouble over it and is possibly facing the sack, but the element which is causing great concern in political and diplomatic circles doesn’t trouble me at all. It’s the second part which demonstrates her unmitigated bigotry yet again. As usual, I’m out of step.
2. I wouldn’t want to pollute an otherwise positive post. Positive posts are a rarity these days and therefore precious.

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