Saturday, 27 March 2021

More Firsts.

As reported in the previous post, the last couple of weeks has been replete with first encounters.
Though the temperature is still at the kind of level typical of March, spring is evidently in the air because the local cock pheasants have begun whatever the cock pheasant version of the rut is called. Only this year they’ve been sparring in my garden rather than in the field where they usually conduct their fisticuffs. Yesterday they were at it right outside my back door, and you’d be surprised at how noisy the whole business is when they’re jumping around squawking aggressively and banging into things. I told them to go away but they ignored me.

Today was even better. For the first time in my life I witnessed a fight between a hen pheasant and a squirrel for sole occupation of the bird table. The squirrel won. I kept out of it.

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