Saturday, 7 December 2019

The Fun Thing.

It seems like a very long time since I did anything you might describe as fun. I do sometimes think I would like to have fun again, but having fun always seems to involve being with other people and engaging in activities prescribed as ‘fun’ by the culture to which most people belong. You know, things like partying and scuba diving and racing cars and playing charades in the drawing room. I know the last one is a bit old fashioned, but that’s my problem. It’s a little difficult for me to remember what fun is as usually perceived. The things I get pleasure from these days are passive things like hearing a robin sing, or watching a frolicsome dog with a wagging tail, or quietly observing a young parent diligently attending to the needs of a young child. Not exactly fun, are they?

So where do I go and what do I do to have fun? I really have no idea. Tonight’s Miss Marple story involved a bunch of people with a connected history taking a coach tour by invitation to unravel a mystery and bring a guilty party to book. I think I could find that fun, but such things don’t happen in real life. And besides, if I took a coach tour with a group of strangers, one or more of them might want to befriend me. Think how awful that would be.

Better stick to writing a blog, I suppose. If only I could find something to say that is worth saying. Recounting a time when I had fun would fit the bill, but I’ve already done all those. If the nice people in the NHS can mend my left leg, maybe I’ll give the matter serious consideration.

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