Tuesday 1 October 2024

October Geese.

The post with this title has been scrapped. Instead, I'll offer a brief explanation as to why it has been scrapped.

It included an image which is saved on my computer, but when I came to insert it a message from Google appeared. It informed me that posting the insert was dependent on my allowing cookies of Google's choosing to be added to my blog. That's never happened before, and in my book it amounts to blackmail. Regular readers will no doubt realise that I'm not the sort of person to submit to any nefarious attempt at blackmail by the corporate world.

There will, therefore, be no more pictures added to the blog. And if they apply the same condition to the publishing of the blog itself, I suppose these hallowed (to me) pages will have to go. I've been saying for years that the corporate world is trying to exert ever more influence on the culture in order to further its own interests, and this is another example.

I'm glad that I'm at this end of my life because I don't fancy living in a world ruled by the big players of a rampant and overly powerful capitalist elite. The post was a short but pleasant one with a hint of humour included, but I couldn't be bothered to re-structure it. And the blog itself is extremely important to me because it's my only outlet to the world outside my small family and my ex, but my principles must take precedence. Now it's a case of wait and see.

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