Monday 10 September 2012

On Cutting and Confused Standards.

I just read that a regional court in Germany has ruled that the ritual circumcision of boys amounts to ‘bodily harm,’ and has declared it to be illegal. Jews and Muslims are protesting, of course, as you’d expect. Let them protest; it’s a free country and the right to protest is axiomatic. Just lock the bastards up if they continue cutting bits off the bodies of children below the age of consent, and all in the name of a cultural tradition based on an ancient and unprovable belief system. What else can it be but bodily harm?

Angela Merkel disagrees with me. She says there’s going to be federal legislation permitting the practice, since to ban it would make Germany a laughing stock. I hardly think so, Angela. I think it would be truer to say that moving to permit the physical abuse of children will present Germany as a cowardly country, obsessed with political correctness and afraid to stand up to the innately abusive nature of the Judaic tradition. And isn’t it odd that they rail against the practice of adult Muslim women wearing veils, while allowing children to have pieces cut away from their bodies?

I find it interesting, too, that women’s rights groups everywhere are rightly up in arms at the barbaric practice of circumcising young girls, as required in certain cultures. I think maybe we need a men’s rights movement, too.


andrea kiss said...

I can see why Germany is obsessed with political correctness, especially when it comes to this issue. If i were a German leader, i wouldn't want to be the one to outlaw a Jewish practice either.

But yes, circumcision is cruel. I'm sure Merkel feels like she's between a rock and a hard place on this one.

JJ said...

I assume you're talking about German sensitivity regarding the Holocaust. OK, let's put it this way. It's been rightly argued that the transatlantic slave trade and British labour camps in India were also forms of holocaust. So should black people in America and Indians in Britain be allowed to commit crimes that others aren't allowed to commit in order to appease them for past wrongs?

Surely, the central lesson that should be taken from the Nazi Holocaust is that all people are created equal, and that includes the Jews. They shouldn't be discriminated against on grounds of their ethnicity, but neither should they be allowed to commit physical child abuse in the name of their ancient belief system. It seems to me that Merkel has no ethical dilemma at all. Two wrongs never make a right.

And what of the Muslims? Is this a case of saying 'Well, we allow the Jews to circumcise their kids, so we'd better allow the Muslims to do it, too?' No. Wrong. Forcing children to have bits cut off their bodies is simply unacceptable, whoever you are.

andrea kiss said...

No, no, i'm not saying i agree with it, i'm just saying i can see why German's and/or a German leader would be hesitant to mess about with this issue.