Sunday, 2 February 2025

The New Cold War.

Well, what a turn up. The old Cold War was a nice tidy business between, principally, the USA and the Soviet Union. The new Cold War is between the USA and Canada/Mexico. What fun. I wonder whether the fact that Canada is still part of the British Commonwealth of Nations has been given any consideration. Not that it would matter, I suppose. Maybe the French Canadians would even welcome being part of the 51st state, although I somehow doubt it. Yes, fun indeed.

But I gather there’s a bigger concern – the effect of Trump’s Tariffs on the global macro economy. I remember it being said during Donald’s last occupation of the hot seat that, being a businessman rather than an economist, he understands micro economics but not the macro variety. I don’t suppose we need worry, though. I’m sure there are much bigger fish in the global economic sea than Mr Trump, and I expect they’ll be able to put him firmly in his place if the situation becomes too turbulent.

(Although I have been saying for many years that I can’t see big capitalism lasting forever - so did Karl Marx. It seems to me – and I admit that I know nothing about the intricacies of macro economics – that it’s all based on money, and we all know that money doesn’t exist in an objective sense. It’s all about trust and consensus, and those two pillars of support can be a little fragile when the waves of turbulence swell.)

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By the way, my computer is following my lead. It really, really doesn’t like getting up in the morning. Neither does it like being given too much work to do. I apologise to him frequently, but just in case you hear never more of me…

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