Monday, 21 October 2024

Superstitious Nonsense.

Is it? Are superstitions all nonsense?

The other day I was pondering the claim made by some people that life, the universe, and everything is made up of patterns, and that the phenomenon we call synchronicity is a circumstantial manifestation of those patterns.

And then I wondered whether superstitions belong in the same category. Maybe, I thought, superstition is some historic faculty deeply embedded in the genes which is there to warn us that actions – such as spilling salt for example – can adversely affect the patterns and are therefore to be avoided. And so we throw some of the spilt salt over our shoulder and the patterns continue on their merry way.

This is probably all a load of dingoes’ kidneys, but I wanted to say it so as to get the post counter off the dreaded thirteen for this month. I suppose I could have left it until tomorrow, but suppose it turns particularly cold tonight and all my typing fingers turn blue. You can’t be too careful, can you?

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