Monday, 25 September 2023

On Synchronicities and Sarahs.

As I was driving back from a shopping trip yesterday I had something going through my mind involving numbers. At the precise moment that I got to the number 10, the song that was playing in the car said the word ‘ten.’ That sort of thing happens occasionally, but as much as you might wonder whether it’s an curious example of synchronicity, there’s nothing to do about it so you let it pass.

But then this evening I had a game show playing on the TV to accompany my dinner, and there was a woman taking part who reminded me very much of Sarah (aka the Lady B.) When she appeared in close up I saw from her name badge that she was called Sarah.

OK, just another curious coincidence you might argue (I would), but there are those – including Carl Jung, I gather – who claim that such coincidences are always meaningful and should be acted upon. But the problem ever remains that if they are examples of synchronicity, they always come encoded and there are no instructions to tell you how to crack the cipher. So you do nothing because there’s nothing to be done.

Earlier today, you see, I had the unusual experience of being stung by a bee (and felt sorrier for the bee than I did for myself because the poor little lady was only defending her hive and bees die after they sting.) Based on the only other time I was stung by a bee, the pain was unusually harsh and unusually long-lasting (it hasn’t completely gone yet, nine hours after it happened.) So should I add this to the catalogue of coincidences and assume the universe is being very insistent in trying to tell me something? We do, after all, have a bee, the Lady B, and as far as I recall it’s around ten years since the dear lady moved away from the Shire and out of my orbit

Well, I doubt it. Forasmuch as the Lady B was a much valued ray of sunshine in my life back then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge and her circumstances have undergone profound changes. I think it reasonable to presume, therefore, that she is no longer the same person as she was when she graced my life with her esteemed presence. In other words, Sarah might still exist but the Lady B has gone, and so she should be put away in a drawer like a childhood photograph and be viewed as nothing more than a fond memory. And that’s what I’ve done.

So what do I make of the apparent synchronicity going on? Nothing, as usual.

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