Friday, 24 March 2023

Dripping Towards Dystopia.

I hear the government is putting forward a proposal that couples who wish to separate should be required to engage with officially approved guidance counselling first. Only if they do that and satisfy certain requirements will they be able to avoid a substantial fine.

Proponents of the idea argue that it will better protect children from the trauma consequent upon the break up of family homes (even though the proposals extend to couples without children.) Opponents counter that it will be likely to force some women (and possibly even men) to remain in abusive relationships. Both positions are naturally matters of concern, but my personal concern is more far-reaching.

This would be another example of yet more bureaucrats being given yet more free rein to adopt a constabulary function in the lives of individuals on pain of pecuniary punishment. It’s another drip on the way to an Orwellian view of dystopia. When, I’m inclined to ask, will politicians realise that more than enough is more than enough?

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