Monday 18 January 2010

The Master Race

I have heard people argue over which of the creative media is the senior one. ‘Opera,’ say some; ‘drama,’ say others. For me, there is only one answer: music, in its simplest and least pretentious form. Drama, opera, painting, literature – all need the filter of the intellect to fully appreciate them. Not so music; music goes straight to the heart. For me, that makes it the most powerful and profound of all forms. And the purest exposition of music is the female voice. It helps if she is singing in a language foreign to the listener. Music needs no human language. It is, in itself, the universal language of the spheres. It’s why I prefer to listen to Gaelic songs rendered in Gaelic. If there is a master race on this earth, it has to be the musicians.


Jfromtheblock said...

haha that's quite beauriful :) I do like what you say about music going straight to the heart. you seem like you'd be a fan of celtic myths and stories

JJ said...

I am indeed. I've even added a couple. Do you know the film 'The Navigators - a Mediaeval Odyssey?' It's about 17th century English miners escaping the plague. They end up in modern day Sydney (I think.) A strange, compelling film.