Thursday, 27 February 2025

On Falling Below the Mark.

I took a cognition test tonight devised by Professor Something-or-other from Imperial College, London. I did badly – below average in nearly everything except crystallised intelligence, whatever that is. Sad, isn’t it, but it did at least validate my decision to tell the priestess in my last email: ‘I’m not worth knowing any more.’ And also why I terminated my connections with everyone except my immediate family and my ex. I like to know myself and make rational decisions, you see.

So is there any point in continuing this blog if my opinions no longer count? I think so. It uses up a bit of time when I’m bored but still feel inclined to exercise my fingers, so I might still make the odd jotting now and then.

In other news:

I kept getting hijacked by random encounters while taking my walk this morning. I ended up talking to one dog, one postman, one French woman, and the man who came to fix a problem at my house. (The latter was causing me quite some concern; it was even leading to the suspicion that I might be prey to some condition related to cholera, however unlikely that might sound. Put it down to loss of cognisant ability if you like. The reason for such a suspicion is rather long and not very palatable, so I won’t bother to expound further.)

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